How long do hemorrhoids last?
It is quite likely that many of us will suffer from hemorrhoids at some point in our lives.[1] Hemorrhoids are not only a common disease, but they can also become recurrent,[2] and can be caused by many different factors. They are often caused by straining too hard when passing a bowel movement, pregnancy, sitting for long periods of time, obesity, chronic constipation, or diarrhea, among other reasons.
Hemorrhoids have a high prevalence in the global adult population,[3] (whether among the young or the elderly), but do you know how long they are meant to last?
- Hemorrhoids: How to recognize them - How long do hemorrhoid symptoms last?
Hemorrhoids: How to recognize them
Hemorrhoids are typically classified into 2 main types: external and internal. External hemorrhoids are located around the anal opening or close to it, while internal hemorrhoids develop in the rectum and may extend into the anal canal. As a result of the location, while being far more painful, external hemorrhoids are generally easier to identify and treat than internal ones.[4]
Added to that, hemorrhoids can be either thrombosed or non thrombosed.
- Thrombosed hemorrhoids have a blood clot overlying the inflamed vein, therefore their healing time tends to take longer and they can become increasingly swollen and painful.
- Non-thrombosed hemorrhoids do not have such a clot and therefore usually tend to last less time.[5],[6]
The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids can include pain, rectal bleeding, or a discharge from the rectum. However, the severity of symptoms can range from minor irritation to serious pain and discomfort that prevents a wide range of daily activities. According to those symptoms, hemorrhoids can be classified into 4 grades, and these grades can be a guide to how long roughly you should expect your hemorrhoids to last:
- Grade I (mild): first grade of hemorrhoids, they are visible but they do not prolapse.
- Grade II (moderate): hemorrhoids prolapse but they also spontaneously return.
- Grade III (severe): at this stage, hemorrhoids do prolapse but they do not spontaneously return and they need to be manually returned.
- Grade IV (extra severe): the presence of non reducible hemorrhoids.[7]
The first symptom of hemorrhoids is often a feeling of fullness in the rectum that results in an urge to defecate at intervals which will vary from person to person and can be largely dependent on diet and exercise habits. The rectal tissue can also become swollen, congested, and reddened as well as itchy. Sometimes there is also bleeding from the rectum when straining at bowel movements or after having passed a stool. There may also be pain and discomfort during defecation. In addition, there may be anal itching caused by a surplus of feces staying near the anus for too long due to difficulty with elimination or a low fiber diet that does not provide enough roughage for intestinal cleansing.[8]
Although hemorrhoids can be treated easily with highly trusted medications such as oral venoactive drugs, some people may experience fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite as complications if they have a chronic form of hemorrhoids. In these cases it would be best to see a doctor as soon as possible to get advice about the best course of medication to follow.
How long do hemorrhoid symptoms last?
Hemorrhoids are veins in the rectum and anus that have become swollen, inflamed, and can be painful, that’s why, depending on the level of the swelling, hemorrhoids can last for a few days to a week, typically.
How long your hemorrhoids last will also depend on their size. Small hemorrhoids tend to clear up in a few days with the help of some over-the-counter medications together with simple diet and lifestyle changes.
For some people, hemorrhoids may not need treatment and might go away on their own, however, there are several different treatments to help hemorrhoids shrink faster such as suppositories, lifestyle changes (like eating a high-fiber diet), as well as other over-the-counter medications like stool softeners, or highly recommended venotonic medications.
If, however, after more than a week you are still suffering from hemorrhoids, it could be due to prolapsed hemorrhoids or a sign that your hemorrhoids have become worse. These types of hemorrhoids take more time to heal, and they also typically require treatment.[9]
Hemorrhoids during pregnancy or after birth, can also take longer to heal due to the continued pressure in the abdomen and rectum.[10]
In severe cases where other treatments fail to work, surgical procedures are also an option.
In any case, hemorrhoids are a widespread disease which affect a high percentage of the population, in many ages and stages of life, with our lifestyle choices and regular daily activities often making matters worse. This is why so many people end up searching for trusted ways of treating this often painful and uncomfortable condition.
It is highly recommended to speak with your doctor about the wide range of available treatments, some of which – such as venoactive flavonoid medications – not only work quickly to alleviate the painful symptoms of the disease while improving blood flow and strengthening the overall tone of the veins themselves, but can also be used as an effective tool for long-term prevention.[11]
- Hemorrhoids | inx Medical. (2017, May 1). INX Medical. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.inxmedical.com/hemorrhoids/#:%7E:text=Hemorrhoids%20are%20the%20most%20common,have%20them%20after%20age%2050.
- Fontem, R., Eyvazzadeh, D. (2021). Internal Hemorrhoid. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved on 3rd October 2022 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537182/
- Riss S, Weiser FA, Schwameis K, Riss T, Mittlböck M, Steiner G, Stift A. The prevalence of hemorrhoids in adults. Int J Colorectal Dis. 2012 Feb;27(2):215-20.
- Harvard Health. (2021b, November 16). Hemorrhoids and what to do about them. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/hemorrhoids_and_what_to_do_about_them
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- Gebbensleben O, Hilger Y, Rohde H. Aetiology of thrombosed external haemorrhoids: a questionnaire study. BMC Res Notes. 2009 Oct 23;2:216.
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